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    Welcome to priorigami

    This is not just another to-do list app. priorigami will help you manage, prioritize and complete tasks more efficiently so you can spend more time doing the things that really matter in life.


    Don't feel overwhelmed by your list of tasks or deflated by having too much to do. Download it now and immediately enjoy the benefits of priorigami.

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  • It's Simple to Use

    Getting things done doesn't have to be a burden, it can be fun

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    Enter Tasks

    Enter your tasks and we'll remind you to select your Daily Top Three.

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    Shuffle your tasks to make sure you're focusing on the most important ones.

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    Track Your Progress

    We encourage you to get things done and track your progress along the way.

  • Here's What You Get

    Enter your tasks and we'll track your progress

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    "With so many demands of a working mom, this app allows me to keep track of everything I need to do, while staying focused on my most important tasks. I rely on the app on a regular basis to keep my time organized and efficient. I make an effort to add in my personal goals for myself and have found that I am more likely to do them now."


    - Terri Robichaud, priorigami user

  • Productivity 101 Blog Posts

    Articles, tips and best practices to help you make the most of the app

    December 1, 2017 · Holidays,Productivity,Task Management,Lists,Less Stress
    So, we survived Thanksgiving and now the rest of the holiday season looms before us. While this...
    November 13, 2017 · smartphone,Productivity,Staying Focused,Task Management
    This morning I was up, ready and out on time. I was feeling good and confident despite the...
    October 19, 2017 · Balance,Productivity,Priorities,Time Management,Getting Things Done
    We all seem to constantly seek work-life balance. We often talk about ways of achieving it. We...
    More Posts
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    Don't Delay

    Start reaping the benefits of priorigami today

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    Get weekly quotes, tips, articles and updates to improve your productivity

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